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Denver Post article "Major Wyn" about Wyndham Clark's US Open win at the Los Angeles Country Club, June 19, 2023.

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The Denver Post Champions of Golf poster with Arnold Palmer autograph.

Denver Post article with headline "Guldahl Wins Second Straight Open," and season ticket, June 12, 1938.

Denver Post article "Celebratory Splash" about Jennifer Kupcho's win at the Chevron Championship golf tournament in Rancho Mirage, CA, Apr 18–21, 2024.

Greg Mastriona's Denver Post Champions of Golf Founder clip with yellow enamel and text that reads, "Green Gables Country Club August 18-21, 1983.

Denver Post article about Arnold Palmer winning the US Open, 1960. Cherry Hills Country Club red pin.

Dunlop putter used by Dow Finsterwald, 1958 PGA Champion.

Book Fundamentals of Golf by Dow Finsterwald with Larry Robinson published by the Ronald Press Company, 1961.

Vest initially worn by her mother, Martha Martin, displaying event pins from their combined six decades of service to the USGA. Navy material covered with hundreds of pins.

Brass plaque commemorating Ray Stenzel as the "Founder and Builder of the Golf Club at Fox Acres, 1911-2004." Additional text reads, "All my life two things have never failed to inspire and excite me, the majesty of Colorado's mountains, and the…
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